NanoDecoder is awarded an InnoSuisse project
NanoDecoder won a InnoSuisse project Innosuisse supports NanoDecoder to complete our minimal viable product and start testing with customer's samples. The Innosuisse project will start in 2023. Check more info:...
NanoDecoder won the FIT Innogrant
NANODECODER AWARDED A FIT-INNOGRANTNanoDecoder – Sailan ShuiThe FIT selection committee is pleased to announce they have made an Innogrant award of CHF100,000 to NanoDecoder – an EPFL-based project whose technology aims to stop counterfeiting and the illicit trade of...
NanoDecoder entered the swiss chapter of IMAGINE IF!
NanoDecoder was accepted in the swiss chapter of IMAGINE IF! to focus on its disease diagnostics opportunity. We will now start the 1-1 mentoring phase and get the chance to participate in exclusive workshops and networking events. More information can be found here:...